Peer 2 Peer Mindfulness 8 week Course
Free of Charge - Everyone is welcome. This Mindfulness eight week course is based on the Mindfulness Association’s Level 1 Mindfulness Training. It consists of weekly classes, which are typically two hours long. This course will introduce you to the basic principles of mindfulness and support you in developing the core skill of mindfulness: a way of paying attention, on purpose, non-judgmentally to what goes on in the present moment within your body, mind and the world around you. Mindfulness can bring calmness to our minds, increase emotional resilience, and improve our well-being. Please click HERE for more information about the next Peer 2 Peer Mindfulness Based Living Course. |
Peer 2 Peer Mindfulness for Compassionate Living
Mindful ways to less stress and more kindness. Self-compassion is a life-changing way of thinking that is rooted in Mindfulness. By learning to have more kindness and forgiveness for ourselves, we have more compassion and empathy for others. Research into the neuroscience of compassion has shown that changing our thinking habits makes new neural pathways in the brain and that compassion can be learned. If you have already attended an 8 week mindfulness course and have an established daily mindfulness practice, the Mindfulness for Compassionate Living course is the next step in applying loving kindness first to yourself, then others, releasing negative attitudes and living joyfully from the heart. Please click HERE for more information about the next Mindfulness for Compassionate Living Course. |
Peer 2 Peer Mindfulness Drop-in Sessions
Free of Charge - Everyone is welcome. Our weekly Online Drop-In Mindfulness practice sessions are a great way to be in touch with others who are practicing mindfulness, and also of course, to help keep your practice alive. They are not suitable for someone who has not completed an 8-week mindfulness course. There is no charge for the sessions, although obviously it does cost money to run it, so any donations are very gratefully received. Tea and biscuits are provided when you arrive and at the end. Please email us using the link below for more information on how you can join the next Peer 2 Peer Mindfulness Drop-In Session or to request more information - [email protected] |
Peer 2 Peer Mindfulness Practice Day Retreats
Mindful ways to less stress and more kindness. A Mindfulness Practice Day Retreat allows participants time to consolidate, enhance, or re-invigorate their experience of mindfulness and so develop a sustainable personal practice with the purpose of applying this in everyday life. All of our Mindfulness retreats teach you about the techniques needed to help you deal with difficult emotions and stress. They give you the time to relax and unwind from the stresses of normal life, finding yourself and developing your mind. Please email us using the link below for more information on how you can join the next Peer 2 Peer Mindfulness Day Retreat or to request more information - [email protected] |