Mindfulness for Primary Schools (7 - 11 year olds)
Volumes of research show that mindfulness can make a transformational impact on the lives of young people enabling them to lead a more healthy, happy and compassionate life by being better equipped to handle the challenges that life brings. We believe that all young people have unlimited inner resources and that these can be consciously nurtured and developed.
Structure Of The Youth Mindfulness Kids Programme
The Youth Mindfulness Kids Programme is broken down into 8 themes: intention, attention, attitude, gratitude, resilience, self-kindness, kindness to others, and purpose.
1. INTENTION: This refers to the inner decision to be mindful. This relies on motivation. In the first lesson the children learn how the brain can change and grow and why paying attention to the present moment can be of benefit to them.
2. ATTENTION: This refers to the practice of bringing the attention back to the present moment. In lessons 2 and 3 the children learn about attention, how it’s key to our experience, how it tends to wander. They also begin training their attention to be present.
3. ATTITUDE: This refers to the way we pay attention. In lesson 4 the children learn the value of non-reactivity; in lesson 5 the children learn how to cultivate the freshness of the beginner’s mind and in lesson 6 the children learn to develop their willpower and diligence.
4. GRATITUDE: This refers to the practice of recognising and appreciating the conditions of health and happiness that are available for us in the present moment. This is the focus of lessons 7 and 8.
5. RESILIENCE: This refers to the art of handling difficult emotions, thoughts and mind-states with wisdom, courage and awareness. In lesson 9 we explore the natural reaction to turn away from difficulty and instead cultivate the capacity to “be-with” the difficult. In lesson 10 we explore the idea that thoughts are not facts.
6. KINDNESS TO SELF: By the time we get to lessons 11 and 12 the children have become quite familiar with their own minds and are ready to begin cultivating an attitude of kindness and warmth towards themselves. We explore what is meant by kindness conceptually, and also how we can be kind to ourselves in practical ways.
7. KINDNESS TO OTHERS: Building on the understanding that everybody wants to be happy and nobody wants to suffer the children then practice cultivating kindness towards others, beginning with friends and extending the practice to classmates and others. The children also have the opportunity to engage in acts of kindness.
8. PURPOSE: In lesson 15 the children reflect on all they have learned over the preceding 14 lessons and in lesson 16 they develop a personal mission statement, articulating a vision for integrating their learning and acting in a way they can be proud of.