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Courses & Events
1-2-1 Mindfulness
Inner Harmony Retreat Day
Mindfulness Retreat Day
Mindfulness in Nature Day
Mindfulness Living 8 week Course
Mindfulness Compassion course
Mindfulness Based Living with Dementia
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Mindfulness at work benefits
Mindfulness in Schools
Mindfulness for school teachers
Mindfulness for Primary Schools
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ERIC LIDDELL CENTRE - Mindfulness Based Living Course - Application Form
After reading the information below, please complete and submit the registration form to receive the course materials for the upcoming Online Mindfulness Based Living Course provided by the Eric Liddell Centre.
Peer 2 Peer Mindfulness Based Living Course - starts: Tuesday, 25th May 2021 at 2.00 pm.
The Peer 2 Peer Mindfulness Based Living Course is designed to help you manage the extra stress and worry brought about by the exceptionally difficult times we are living in. Additional challenges to those you may be facing when caring for others. Each weekly session is approximately 90 minutes in duration and
is an integral part of the full course to ensuring that you receive the full benefits of the course from the very first week.
Once you have registered to participate in the course, you will be sent an email in the near future providing you with the web-link and password for joining the online sessions. Please remember to check your
junk mail'
, folder if it is not in your inbox.
Is this Mindfulness Living Course suitable for you at this time?
The course is suitable for most people, and teaches skills and practices designed to help with the difficulties of everyday living. Some participants have particular issues which motivate them to join the course, such as pain, anxiety or illness; others are simply interested in improving their quality of life.
This is the time to consider whether the course is right for you at this time, and if you have any doubts, please contact us and we will give you more information about the course, to help you to make this decision.
Please note that that whilst this mindfulness course can provide major benefits in helping better manage stress and worry, it is not intended to be a treatment for mental health problems. If you have recently received or are currently receiving treatment from a psychiatrist, psychotherapist or counsellor for an ongoing mental health problem, we strongly advise that you obtain approval from your mental health professional before proceeding further with this course at this time.
Also, if you have recently or are currently going through a traumatic life event such as the death of a close family member or friend, or major illness, this may not be the right time for you to continue with this course. This very much depends on your current psychological health and the support networks that you have around you, such as friends, family and mental health professionals whom we recommend your consult with regarding your participation on the course.
If you are currently taking medication for a mental health problem, then we recommend that you do not change your medication, other than in close collaboration with your medication prescriber.
If any of these circumstances apply to you, then if you have not done so already, please contact Peer 2 Peer mindfulness before the course begins to discuss your situation and the support networks you have in place and to explore how you can best be supported during the course.
Please tick this box to indicate that you have read and understood all the above information regarding your suitability to participate on this course.
Tick here
Thank you
Indicates required field
Your 'Mobile' Phone Number
Next of Kin Phone Number
Line 1
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Zip Code
Your Email address
GDPR agreement
Under the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) we are not permitted to send you emails without your consent. All your Eric Liddell Centre course information is sent by email. Please confirm you agree to Peer 2 Peer Mindfulness holding the details above and sending you information related to Peer 2 Peer Mindfulness by ticking the check box in this section.
Your occupation
Please tell us why you want a place on this free Mindfulness Living Course:
Please tell us about any mobility or other requirements that you would like us to know about.
Where did you find out about this course?
Well doing advisor/GP
Please choose an option from the list
Attending every session of the course is essential to obtain the benefits mindfulness offers and places are given first to those people attending all sessions.
The course session dates are: 25th May, 1st Jun, 8th Jun, 15th Jun, 22nd Jun, 29th Jun, .6th Jul, 13th Jul, 20th Jul, 27th Jul, 3rd Aug, 10th Aug, 17th Aug, 24th Aug, 31st Aug & 7th Sept
Please tell us now in the box opposite if you cannot attend the course on any of the above dates.
Attending every session of the course is essential to obtain the benefits mindfulness offers and places are given first to those people attending all sessions. Please tell us now if you cannot attend the course on any of the above dates.