Peer 2 Peer Mindfulness Community Online Group Practice
'Life ticks by in each present moment'
Life ticks by in each present moment. So often though, we let the present moment slip away, allowing life to quickly tick by unobserved and unseized, squandering the precious seconds of our lives as we worry about the future and ruminate about what's past.
The past and the future don't exist. They are simply words to frame and give understanding to the present moment.
Whether it happened 5 seconds ago, 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days, or 5 years ago, we can’t change the past, so it’s unhelpful to live ruminating about the past events of our life. Doing so can bring us pain and suffering.
The future hasn’t happened yet, so it’s ineffective to live anxiously waiting on what we imagine the events of our future life might be. Doing so can bring us pain and suffering.
The only moment that exists, that is real, is now! Each moment is filled with joy and happiness. If we are present with each moment, we will experience it.
In Tuesday night's mindfulness session we will practise achoring ourselves to the present moment. When we do that, we're free of worries, and in that freedom is our inner peace.
Come and join us on TUESDAY NIGHT and practice living day by day with Inner Peace and Happiness. Just click the box below to join us: