Mindfulness Walks
Free of Charge - Everyone is welcome.

Regular Mindfulness practice is the foundation for mind-body wellness and a consciousness-based approach to life. The daily practice of mindfulness can increase our capacity to deal with life’s difficulties and stresses with more perspective and wisdom, and provide a deeper connection to your true spirit.
Increase your happiness.
Improve your well-being.
Improve your ability to relax.
Help you manage chronic pain.
Improve your sleeping patterns.
Increase your enthusiasm for life.
Improve your concentration at work.
Strengthen your emotional resilience.
Improve your creativity and Self-confidence.
Decrease your stress levels, anxiety and depression.
Try mindfulness now with this free download.
Could you join thousands of others who smile more and live life with greater purpose having discovered their true inner peace?
Please see our EVENT LISTING for the date of the next Peer 2 Peer Mindfulness Walk. Or request further information today by emailing to - [email protected]
Increase your happiness.
Improve your well-being.
Improve your ability to relax.
Help you manage chronic pain.
Improve your sleeping patterns.
Increase your enthusiasm for life.
Improve your concentration at work.
Strengthen your emotional resilience.
Improve your creativity and Self-confidence.
Decrease your stress levels, anxiety and depression.
Try mindfulness now with this free download.
Could you join thousands of others who smile more and live life with greater purpose having discovered their true inner peace?
Please see our EVENT LISTING for the date of the next Peer 2 Peer Mindfulness Walk. Or request further information today by emailing to - [email protected]